lost little lamb
Wednesday, 21. August 2002
crackle of a pubescent voice.

hes leaving in the morn, i gotta get up early and walk over to the travellodge...ahhh! la la la....

i wanna talk to P(XY) sooooooooo bad right now. id kill to just take a shower, and see him asleep in my bed...and cuddle up to him. id do anythingAnythingANYTHING. gosh. he called today. he always calls and says the best things...like "what id do to kiss you right now..goregous little thing.."

if he were to come back right now, things would be so great! but he cant. im not sad or anything. im really happy. cause i know, the next time ill be able to see him a lot will be when im older, and more able to pursue things with a new seriousness.

im so sore. im gonna take a bunch of pills to knock me out. once yoichi leaves, ill be able to do that more. but a(xx) will be home. thatll be cool. but i wanna be unconcious for a few days somewhere in there. its great, cause when i knock myself out like that, i wake up and i feel GREAT. ill take a bunch of asprin and depheryl. yeah. im not a narcotic or anything. i never take that stuff...but its nice to sleep super deep, and wake up and make it feel great to take a deep breath thru your nose.

im a piece of beat meat. just wanting to marinate in his juices. and get grilled by his tongue.
eaten and digested.
and satisfy his appetite.

that all sounds incredibly gross, but would be awesome lyrics. sounds like fiona apple. shes hot, but so skinny...my oh my.
im sleeping now.
::over and out::

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last updated: 7/8/03, 9:31 AM
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