lost little lamb
Saturday, 7. September 2002

i wanna get stabbed.
just so i can compare it to my life RIGHT NOW.

i havent been this down in a few months.

I am all alone. people want stuff from me.
but im all alone.
god...right when school is starting too..two more days.

its been so long. i need some help.
i want a hug from p(xy) but he doesnt seem too interested in me anymore. if hes not, fuck him.
fuck the world.
ill take over.
so people will be my friends.
and want things from me.
and i can give it to them.
a(xx) is my only friend. i miss her. ill see her on monday. shes been in CA. blaaaaahh..i need to laugh. i cant help but have a good time when im with her.

LE(xx) and LI(xx) picked me up the other nite. LE(XX) made me feel like shit about myself, like always. i dont wanna talk to her much this year. she always calls me names. and shes a huge exxagorator....she was like "jo. i hear youre a pothead now" and "how many old guys did you fuck THIS summer?"
none of her fucking business. but i told her anyways. next time, i should just slap her fuckin face. now i see why A(XY) hates her. she used to be nice. now shes just a stupid indie bitch. i dont like to be talked to like that.

online for 8252 Days
last updated: 7/8/03, 9:31 AM
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