lost little lamb
i know that you wish i was dead, i know cause you told me last weekend, and christmas has never felt colder..

so y(xy) left this morning. i had to walk over to travel lodge at 7..man..it was crazy. i walked fast over there...but doddled home and was an innocent standby-er in a T-bone crash. i took pictures, discreetly of course. so what if im a tinge morbid?

so we said goodbye. i gave him a really girly hug. up on the tiptoes. one arm around the neck. one arm around the torso...letting go letting the hands slide all about. all guys love hugs like that. well...the ones that have told me they do..i do like touching people. especially boys. tee hee hee..*dons knee socks*

siiiiigghh..todays been semi dreamy, but cloudy....waking up early...later, crashing for 5 hrs. i just took some pills to knock me out. its pissing me off, my sister is awake during the day now....but that means i can stay up late on here. thats cool. but that means i cant watch TV during the day.

so P(XY) and i have been talking...its like exactly what i want. he was drunk tonite, saying he thought about me the whole drive home (drinking and driving...*marge groan*) *siiiiiiiigh* i cant wait to see him again. im like his lolita. thats how i kinda feel. just running up and hanging on him....he sent me pics of himself. he looks all scruffy. this one adorable pic of him kissing a cat..aww...

A(XX) IS HOME!!!!!!!! YAAAAAY! I havent seen her in FOREVER! shes coming over tomarrow at 6pm, after her family looks at this house..they might move (??) into the historical district a block away from me, by my nana+papa. how cool would that be?! alene in the historical district! then id have an excuse to hang out at the art deco neighborhoods and take pics of the old catholic church! EE! and itd be easier to pick her up from school. yay.

today was strange. i took a 5 hr nap..i never take naps. i took it in my sweater. and my hair all teased out. i like taking naps with make up on, cause it smudges my eyeliner perfectly, and i look like a kitten...sounds strange, but its true...

OH! how i need some money! it was horrible, cause the last week, everytime i said that to someone, they suggested that i give Y(xy) a handjob...or blowjob..or whatever. how horrible. dirty fucks! i wont be looking for a job again til oct or nov, due to working seasons....xmas and all. ill get one. ill get my license after the LA trip. its all good. im growing up. i need not freak out like i was.

oh yeah, one last note Y(xy) smelled soooooo good, and he doesnt even wear a cologne...mm.

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+name: joanna elizabeth wallace
+d.o.b.: 12.12.1985
+location: mesa, arizona
+religion: kind of my own thing. mostly buddhist.
+occupation: student. wanna be photographer. wanna be jetsetter.
+hair: golden brown. curly. short. "very 50s"
+eyes: paaaleeee green.
+height: 5'6", 5'8" with creepers.
+clothing: i wear a lot of vintage stuff. i want to look like a pin up girl! thigh highs! dresses! skirts! button ups! then, sometimes i wanna look like new york breakdance funk. i like old adidas and old workout stuff..denim mini skirts! old tees! i love clothes....
+music: SKA! SYNTHS! some punk, some indie, some emo, some pop, some rap, everything.
make up: lots of eye make up. "pin up girl"
bodyart: 8 piercings, two prison tattoos i did myself.
+future: i plan on going to chicago, getting educated in journalism and photography, then travelling and taking pictures of the world...writing...wanting to share what i see with the world as if they were my best friend.
+obsessions: cute japanese stuff, vintage clothing, pin up girls, things that are nicely designed, lambs, old milk bottles, rockabilly things, the 50s and 70s, tattoos, b-boy culture, ska, jamaican ska, 2tone, synthesizers, diet soda, sleeping, getting messed up by myself, getting facinated by people i cant talk to, walking, taking pics of everything, having everything i own have its own personality...i cant stand blandness.

i really dont know what else to say about myself. this blog is like me trying to create my own perfect little world, a semi-physical thing thats my mind, at this moment. i change a lot. but im always the same on the core. im just jo. nothing special....

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last updated: 7/8/03, 9:31 AM
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